Persistence of the fungicide Luna experience, SC in fruit-berry and vegetable crops
The article presents data on the behavior study of the active substances tebuconazole and fluopyram of the fungicide Luna Expiriens, SC in raspberries and apples, in carrots and cucumbers. It is found that the residues of tebuconazole and fluopyram have been found in raspberries and carrot roots on the 20th day after treatment and on the 30th day after treatment in apples in quantities less than the maximum allowable level (hereinafter referred to as MDL).
About the Authors
P. M. KislushkoBelarus
a/c Priluki, Minsk district
M. M. Kivachitskaya
a/c Priluki, Minsk district
S. A. Arashkovich
a/c Priluki, Minsk district
A. V. Bykovsky
a/c Priluki, Minsk district
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For citations:
Kislushko P.M., Kivachitskaya M.M., Arashkovich S.A., Bykovsky A.V. Persistence of the fungicide Luna experience, SC in fruit-berry and vegetable crops. Plant Protection. 2019;(43):318-323. (In Russ.)