Efficiency of the herbicide clorite, as against sonchus arvensis in spring rape crops
By field experiments it is determined that the herbicide Clorite, AS has shown rather high efficiency against Sonchus arvensis which at the rate of application 0,3 l/ha has made 82,2-83,1%and at the rate of application 0,4 l/ha -90,1-90,5 % by number and 84,8-85,5% and 82,6-93,2% by weight, accordingly. The preparation also has shown high herbicidal activity (at the level of 90-100%) against Matricaria inodora and Polygonum convolvulus.
About the Authors
A. P. BudrevichBelarus
a/c Priluki, Minsk district
I. V. Bogomolova
a/c Priluki, Minsk district
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For citations:
Budrevich A.P., Bogomolova I.V. Efficiency of the herbicide clorite, as against sonchus arvensis in spring rape crops. Plant Protection. 2018;(42):11-15. (In Russ.)