Tank mixtures of herbicides in crops of cabbage cabbage, cultivated on nonseedlings technologies
In the crops of cabbage white, cultivated on non seedlings technology, there is a complex of weeds, both monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous species. For the purpose of regulation of their number researches on test of tank mixes of herbicides in crops of culture are carried out. It was found that the biological efficiency of the tank mixture of 334 galley herbicides, BP (0.3 l/ha) and FUSILADE Forte, CE (1.5 l/ha) was 89.0-91.0 % in number and 93.0% in vegetative mass. In the variant with a tank mixture of 334 galley, BP (0.3 l/ha) and super target, CE (1.0 l / ha), the contamination of cabbage crops decreased by 83.0-85.0%, raw weed mass decreased by 90.0-92.0 %. Saved harvest of standard products obtained in all variants of experience 62-83 kg/ha. this was not observed phytotoxic actions of the test tank mixtures on the cultivated culture.
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For citations:
Pashkovа I.N. Tank mixtures of herbicides in crops of cabbage cabbage, cultivated on nonseedlings technologies. Plant Protection. 2018;(42):32-37. (In Russ.)