Evaluation of fungus alternariasp., an agent of apple alternaria blight to fungicides
The results on studying the susceptibility of fungi genusAlternaria – agents of apple Alternaria blight to fungicides Scor, EC, Chorus, WDG and Strobi, WG at concentrations by active ingredient 1, 10 and 100 gg/ml are presented. A high fungitoxic action of difenoconazole and cyprodinyl on the pathogen isolates at all concentrations studied is determined – the mycelium suppression on the 14-th day of cultivation has made 58,3 – 87,9% and 51,1 – 91,9% , accordingly. A significant susceptibility variation of the pathogen isolates to cresoxym-methyl is marked.
About the Authors
V. S. KomardinaBelarus
a/c Priluki, Minsk district
E. V. Vasekha
a/c Priluki, Minsk district
V. D. Polexonova
I. V. Rubanik
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For citations:
Komardina V.S., Vasekha E.V., Polexonova V.D., Rubanik I.V. Evaluation of fungus alternariasp., an agent of apple alternaria blight to fungicides. Plant Protection. 2018;(42):103-108. (In Russ.)