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Influence of outside root micro fertilizer Crystalon application in the system of potato protection against the diseases


The results on complex water-soluble mineral fertilizer Crystalon (label Special) with the method of outside root micro fertilizer application in potato plantings are presented. It is determined that the fertilizer applied one, two and three times in the system of fungicidal protection (Infinito, SС → Infinito, SС → Shirlan, 50% s.c.) does not influence the dynamics of late blight development during potato vegetation, providing with the equal chemical preparations biological efficiency increasing in 10 days after their last application 97,0 and 46,0% , accordingly. It is pointed out that the fertilizer Crystalonincreases tubers root infection for0,5–1,1%in comparison with the fungicidal protection and for 0,3–0,9% in relation to the variant without treatment.

About the Author

V. I. Khalaeva
RUE «Institute of plant protection»

аc. Priluki, Minsk region


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For citations:

Khalaeva V.I. Influence of outside root micro fertilizer Crystalon application in the system of potato protection against the diseases. Plant Protection. 2018;(42):158-164. (In Russ.)

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