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Winter rape crops colonization by brassica pod gall midge under western region of Belarus conditions


The monitoring results of winter rape crops colonization by Brassica pod gall midge (Dasineura brassicae Winn.) and the forecast of the crop invasion density based on hydrometeorological indices in the western region of the Republic of Belarus are stated. According to the mathematical processing data, it is determined that the sum of the effective temperatures, having accumulated by the phytophage after winter diapause, should not be used for crops population forecasting. By the method of correlation-regression analysis a close relation (r=0,85) of crops colonization density by Brassica pod gall midge to the amount of fallen precipitation at flowering crop stage is revealed. The calculated equation Y = 0.93 + 0.72x makes it possible to determine the invasion density of the crop by the first generation of gall midges based on the amount of fallen precipitation at 63-67 stage of winter rape development according to the BBCH scale.

About the Author

S. N. Beitsiuk
EI «Grodno State Agrarian University»



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For citations:

Beitsiuk S.N. Winter rape crops colonization by brassica pod gall midge under western region of Belarus conditions. Plant Protection. 2018;(42):180-190. (In Russ.)

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