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Winter triticale protection against dominant insect species considering complex economic thresholds of harmfulness


As a result of monitoring, the species composition of the formed entomocomplexes of winter triticale agrocoenoses is specified, the dominant species and the periods of their greatest damage have been determined in the plant ontogeny.
In field and production conditions, the biological and economic efficacy of insecticidal and insecticidal-fungicidal preparations for pre-sowing seed treatment against soil-borne pests is evaluated: wireworms (91,0-95,5 %), corn ground beetle (80.6-91,2% ), turnip moth (84,1-87,3%), for this, 2,5-6,2 cwt / ha of grain is kept. With the use of one- and two-component insecticides, in order to reduce the number and severity of dominant phytophagous species complex during winter triticale growing season, the biological efficiency of 800-98,5 % is reached, with keeping 1,6 cwt/ha, respectively. The effectiveness of these preparations when used in a mixture with fungicides and herbicides is not reduced.
The complex thresholds for the expediency of seed disinfectants of insecticidal and insecticidal-fungicidal action use (CEET) with different active ingredients against wireworms and Frit flies, as well as CEET of single and two-component insecticides of different directional action, insecticidal-herbicidal and insecticidal-fungicidal mixtures against winter triticale main pests complex are calculated.

About the Authors

L. I. Trepashko
RUE «Institute of Plant Protection»

a/c Priluki, Minsk district

S. V. Boyko
RUE «Institute of Plant Protection»

a/c Priluki, Minsk district


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2. Трепашко, Л.И. Энтомологическая ситуация в посевах зерновых культур/ Л.И. Трепашко, С.В. Бойко // Современные ресурсосберегающие технологии производства растениеводческой продукции в Беларуси: сб. науч. материалов / НПЦ НАН Беларуси по земледелию. – Минск, 2017. – С. 192 – 206.

3. Трепашко, Л.И. Методические указания по расчету эколого-экономических порогов целесообразности применения средств защиты растений против вредных организмов на зерновых культурах: метод. указания / БелНИИЗР; сост.: Л.И. Трепашко. – Минск, 1997. – 23 с.


For citations:

Trepashko L.I., Boyko S.V. Winter triticale protection against dominant insect species considering complex economic thresholds of harmfulness. Plant Protection. 2018;(42):259-273. (In Russ.)

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