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Main methodological aspects of fumigation process


The article describes aspects of the methodology of the fumigation process. The characteristics of features, principles and conditions of the fumigation process is given. The logical structure of its conduct, consisting of a subject, object, subject-matter, form, means, methods and the result achieved is considered. The dependence of the positive result of fumigation on the properties, features and preparation of the components participating in it is explained. Chronological order of realization of fumigation process is shown. The need for a methodology for fumigation in the field of plant protection is proved.

About the Authors

J. E. Kletchkovsky
Quarantine station of grape and fruit crops of plant protection institute NAAS of Ukraine

E. F. Nyamczu
Quarantine station of grape and fruit crops of plant protection institute NAAS of Ukraine


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For citations:

Kletchkovsky J.E., Nyamczu E.F. Main methodological aspects of fumigation process. Plant Protection. 2018;(42):352-362. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 0135-3705 (Print)