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Specific diversity of weed plants in high alpine bilberry plantations (Vaccinium corymbosum l.)


The data on specific composition and weed plants structure of dominance in high Alpine bilberry plantations are presented. 63 weed species from 23 botanical families are revealed. The most spread are the mixed types of weed infestation, including annual grass, annual dicotyledonous, perennial sobole and rachis-root in which prevail perennial (34,7%), early spring (25,5%) and hibernating weed plants (20,6%). On the average, depending on crop age there are from 517,9 to 1153,2 weed plant pieces. In plantations older than 5 years the weeds number is 2,2 times higher than in the young (till 5 years old) high Alpine bilberry plantations.

About the Authors

R. I. Pleskatsevich
RUE «Institute of Plant Protection»

a/c Priluki, Minsk district

N. I. Meleshko
RUE «Institute of Plant Protection»

a/c Priluki, Minsk district

A. U. Mikhniuk
RUE «Institute of Plant Protection»

a/c Priluki, Minsk district


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For citations:

Pleskatsevich R.I., Meleshko N.I., Mikhniuk A.U. Specific diversity of weed plants in high alpine bilberry plantations (Vaccinium corymbosum l.). Plant Protection. 2017;(41):50-58. (In Russ.)

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