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The role of agrotechnical activities in the limitation of pea powdery mildew severity


In Belarus conditions, the influence of sowing time and seeding rate of pea seeds of the Czech Bogatyr sowing variety and the Gomelskaya field pea variety on powdery mildew incidence caused by the fungus Erysiphe pisi DC., was studied.
In order to limit powdery mildew severity at physical and biological soil ripeness in years with the moderate and low precipitation in spring period, the optimum sowing time is the II–III decade of April, with the high – the I decade of May. The late planting time (the II decade of May) leads to 1,5–2,6 times increase of the disease severity and to significant seed yield losses for 3,1–3,9 cwt/ha.
To control peas powdery mildew severity (varieties Czech Bogatyr, Gomelskaya), the optimum seeding rate for sod-podzolic soils is 1,2 million germinated seeds, at which the highest yields are observed (30,4–32,4 cwt/ha). In the thickened crops (1,8 million germinated seeds), the disease severity is 1,5–2,2 times increased, which leads to yield decrease for 3,1–3,9 cwt/ha.

About the Author

N. F. Terletskaya
SSE «Polesski Agrarian-Ecological Institute NAS of Belarus»



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For citations:

Terletskaya N.F. The role of agrotechnical activities in the limitation of pea powdery mildew severity. Plant Protection. 2017;(41):189-195. (In Russ.)

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