Efficiency of spring grain crops protection against dominant pests
Field and production experiments data have shown that the biological efficacy of insecticidal and insecticidal-fungicidal preparations for pre-sowing seed treatment against wireworms is higher than the normative one and has made 86,3–89,7%. When using insecticides with the active ingredient alpha-cypermethrin during the growing season, the number of cereal flies and grain fleas decreased for 71,4–87,5%, preparations with the active ingredient lambda-cyhalothrin and deltamethrin reduced the number of cereal aphids and cereal leaf beetles for 45.4–98,5%, with the a.i.. tau-fluvalinate – up to 99,6%.
About the Author
I. A. KozichBelarus
a/c Priluki, Minsk district
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For citations:
Kozich I.A. Efficiency of spring grain crops protection against dominant pests. Plant Protection. 2017;(41):245-254. (In Russ.)