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Effect of organic fertilizers and doses of nitrogen on the quality of storage of sugar beet roots in clamps


The article presents the results of studies on the effect of organic fertilizers and doses of nitrogen on the development and prevalence of clamp rot, as well as on the technological qualities of sugar beet roots when stored in clamps. Species composition of causative agents of clay rot in the years of research is determined. It is shown that a balanced nutrition system allows reducing the prevalence of sugar beet rot while storing and improving the technological qualities of root crops. A correlation between the decrease in sugar content, the yield of sugar, and the doses of nitrogen is determined.

About the Authors

N. A. Lukyaniuk
Representation of KWS SAAT SE in the Republic of Belarus


E. V. Turuk
Grodno State Agrarian University


A. V. Ostanin
Representation of KWS SAAT SE in the Republic of Belarus



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For citations:

Lukyaniuk N.A., Turuk E.V., Ostanin A.V. Effect of organic fertilizers and doses of nitrogen on the quality of storage of sugar beet roots in clamps. Plant Protection. 2017;(41):296-306. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 0135-3705 (Print)