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Factors influencing the herbicides efficiency in sugar beet crops


Based on the example of Betanal group herbicides (desmedipham 71 g/l+phenmedipham 91 g/l + ethofumesate 112 g/l) soil herbicides based on metamitron and clopyralid –based herbicides the influence of different factors on the efficiency of their application in sugar beet crops is shown. It is determined that the betanal group efficiency under optimum temperature regime and sufficient moisture makes 91–94%, during cooling and high temperatures, abundant rainfall or low soil moisture and air humidity the efficiency is essentially decreased. By soil herbicides application under conditions of temperatures fluctuations, low night temperatures and insufficient soil moisture the biological efficiency in weed plants decrease does not increase 65% while at optimum conditions application it makes 74%. By clopyralid-based herbicides application the optimum results are obtained at average daily temperature +16.. 20°C, sufficient moisture content and rainfall and also by herbicides application at sensitive stages of weeds development.

About the Author

H. I. Hajyieva
RUE «Institute of Plant Protection»

a/c Priluki, Minsk district


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For citations:

Hajyieva H.I. Factors influencing the herbicides efficiency in sugar beet crops. Plant Protection. 2016;(40):11-37. (In Russ.)

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