Competitive ability formation of soybean to relatively weeds in crop rotation in forest-steppe of Ukraine
The article presents the results of studying the effectiveness of the terms and doses application herbicide Picador, PK (imazethapyr, 100 g/l) on a background the different methods of basic till of soil in crops of soybeans. It was found that the maximum technical efficiency (83 %) was achieved with the introduction of pre-emergence aplication of preparation Picador, PK (1.0 l/ha) due to plowing. However, the maximum crop yield (1.9 t/ha) was obtained against a background of subsurface tillage compared with plowing background due agrophysical best rates of addition of the upper layer 10 cm.
About the Authors
P. S. ZayatsUkraine
Kiyivska obl., Kievo-Svyatoshinskiy r-n, smt. Chaban
А. Малиенко
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For citations:
Zayats P.S., Competitive ability formation of soybean to relatively weeds in crop rotation in forest-steppe of Ukraine. Plant Protection. 2016;(40):38-42. (In Russ.)