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Competitive ability formation of soybean to relatively weeds in crop rotation in forest-steppe of Ukraine


The article presents the results of studying the effectiveness of the terms and doses application herbicide Picador, PK (imazethapyr, 100 g/l) on a background the different methods of basic till of soil in crops of soybeans. It was found that the maximum technical efficiency (83 %) was achieved with the introduction of pre-emergence aplication of preparation Picador, PK (1.0 l/ha) due to plowing. However, the maximum crop yield (1.9 t/ha) was obtained against a background of subsurface tillage compared with plowing background due agrophysical best rates of addition of the upper layer 10 cm.

About the Authors

P. S. Zayats
National Scientific Center «Institute of Agriculture NAAS of Ukraine»

Kiyivska obl., Kievo-Svyatoshinskiy r-n, smt. Chaban

А. Малиенко
Национальный научный центр «Институт земледелия НААН Украины»


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For citations:

Zayats P.S.,   Competitive ability formation of soybean to relatively weeds in crop rotation in forest-steppe of Ukraine. Plant Protection. 2016;(40):38-42. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 0135-3705 (Print)