Orobanche cumana wallr. control in sunflower crops in Georgia
The results of researches on the efficiency of herbicides to control Orobanche cumana Wallr. in sunflower crops in Georgia are presented. High efficiency of herbicides Euro-Lightning, WDC and Captor, WDC decreasing Orobanche cumana Wallr number for 80–90% is determined. The phytotoxicity of a set of herbicides in relation to sunflower plants is studied and different level of sensitivity of local and regionalized varieties and hybrids to the studied preparations is marked. A possibility of the parasite biological control is shown.
About the Authors
Ts. ChkhubianishviliGeorgia
L. Tsivilashvili
I. Malania
M. Kakhadze
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For citations:
Chkhubianishvili Ts., Tsivilashvili L., Malania I., Kakhadze M. Orobanche cumana wallr. control in sunflower crops in Georgia. Plant Protection. 2016;(40):131-138. (In Russ.)