Structure of phytophages dominance in the intensive type apple orchards in different by resistance to scab cultivars
In the article the results of researches on specific composition and structure of phytophages dominance in industrial apple plantations on cultivars differed by resistance degree to scab are presented. A preferred damage of immune and resistant apple cultivars by the invasive pest species: Amenostegia glabrata Fall., Zeuzera pyrina L., Xyleborus dispar determined. It is estimated that fruit mites, Dysaphis plantaginea Pass, and Dysaneura mali Kff. number in resistant to scab cultivars is 5–6 times higher than in the infected ones, what is stipulated by differences in the complex of carried out protective measures.
About the Author
N. E. KoltunBelarus
a/c Priluki, Minsk district
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For citations:
Koltun N.E. Structure of phytophages dominance in the intensive type apple orchards in different by resistance to scab cultivars. Plant Protection. 2016;(40):230-237. (In Russ.)