Analysis of leaf plate damage of aboriginal and introduced species and forms of limes (tilia L.) by second generation larvae of lime leaf miner (Phyllonorycter issikii (Kumata, 1963)) under conditions of Belarus
Lime leaf miner (Phyllonorycter issikii (Kumata, 1963); Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) – East Asian species which became the main mining pest of limes in decorative green stands in Belarus. Study on 8 aboriginal and introduced species and forms of limes (tilia L.) has been carried out. Occurrence of Ph. issikii mines on leaf plates was maximal (25–50%) for Tilia platyphyllos and Tilia cordata. Square of a single mine was minimal for T. cordata (0,40±0,02 cm2) and maximal for Tilia mandshurica (1,78±0,19 cm2). The total mine area was minimal for leaf plates of tilia x europaea f. laciniata (1,03±0,18 cm2), tilia tuan (1,08±0,16 cm2) and maximal for T. platyphyllos (3,05±0,23 cm2). The total area of Ph. Issikii mines does not exceed 10% of the total square of leaf plate surface of every lime species or form under the study.
About the Authors
O. V. SinchukBelarus
S. V. Buga
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For citations:
Sinchuk O.V., Buga S.V. Analysis of leaf plate damage of aboriginal and introduced species and forms of limes (tilia L.) by second generation larvae of lime leaf miner (Phyllonorycter issikii (Kumata, 1963)) under conditions of Belarus. Plant Protection. 2016;(40):269-277. (In Russ.)