Tobacco whitefly bemisia tabaci Genn. in greenhouses in Kiev and the response to it
The articledes cribes original method of identification tobacco and the glasshouse whitefly (Bemisia tabaci and Trialeurodes vaporariorum) imago, which canbeused to identify practitioners of plant protection. It is established that Komplexon-2p revealed the efficiency 65,22– 91,39%, enabling to contain populations of Bemisia tabaci at a low level.
About the Authors
V. P. FedorenkoUkraine
P. Y. Chumak
O. O. Sykalo
Y. V. Sheyko
C. M. Vigera
V. P. Kovalchuk
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For citations:
Fedorenko V.P., Chumak P.Y., Sykalo O.O., Sheyko Y.V., Vigera C.M., Kovalchuk V.P. Tobacco whitefly bemisia tabaci Genn. in greenhouses in Kiev and the response to it. Plant Protection. 2016;(40):298-302. (In Russ.)