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Determination of isoproturon residues in grain crops, soil and water by gas-liquid chromatography method


The method of determining the herbicide isoproturon microquantities in plant production (grain and straw of grain spiked crops), soil and water is determined. The method is based on isoproturon extraction from plant samples, soil and water by organic solvents, acid hydrolysis , extract purification with the subsequent aromatic amine determination (after bromiding ) with the help of gas-liquid chromatography. Discovery limit is 0,002–0,005 mg/kg (l), the average determination meaning is 79-87%.

About the Author

P. M. Kislushko
RUE «Institute of Plant Protection»

a/c Priluki, Minsk district


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For citations:

Kislushko P.M. Determination of isoproturon residues in grain crops, soil and water by gas-liquid chromatography method. Plant Protection. 2016;(40):339-345. (In Russ.)

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