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Retrospective analysis of the effectiveness of fungicides in limiting the development of dominant leaf diseases spring wheat in Belarus


The problem of food safety of the country is the main task of grain-growing economic entities. Spring wheat occupies an important place in achieving this goal due to the quality of the products obtained. As a result of the pathological process, diseases of fungal etiology lead to a decrease in the yield of the crop, and also, due to biochemical changes in the affected plants, to a decline in its quality. Against the background of compliance with agrotechnical requirements for the cultivation of spring wheat, the biologically justifed use of fungicides (when the development of one or a complex of diseases reaches a threshold level) in order to protect the leaves from diseases (powdery mildew, a complex of leaf spots, etc.) during the growing season is a highly effective technique. Analysis of the results of long-term research (2010–2021) on the study of the biological effectiveness of 27 fungicides consisting of various combinations of active substances showed that, in general, single-component preparations provided a limitation of the severity of leaf spots by an average of 44,1–55,3 %, powdery mildew – by 43,0–85,1 %, two-component – by 61,9–83,4 and 60,0–78,3 %, three-component – by 68,7–88,9 and 70,2–90,9 %, respectively. Timely fungicidal treatment will save up to 30,4 % of the crop (a combination of azole and strobilurin).

About the Authors

E. I. Zhuk
RUE «Institute of plant protection»

  Priluki, Minsk region 

A. N. Khalaev
RUE «Institute of plant protection»

  Priluki, Minsk region 


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For citations:

Zhuk E.I., Khalaev A.N. Retrospective analysis of the effectiveness of fungicides in limiting the development of dominant leaf diseases spring wheat in Belarus. Plant Protection. 2022;1(46):66-80. (In Russ.)

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