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Use of Vaiego, SC in control of Lepidoptera cabbage pests


Results of evaluation of biological effciency of Vaiego insecticide, SC in control of lepidoptera cabbage pests are presented. A high, up to 100 % protective effect of the studied preparation against cabbage moth (Plutella xylostella L.) and cabbage scoop (Mamestra brassicae L.) was established in the consumption rates of 0,15 and 0,25 l/ha. The use of the insecticide Voliam Targo, SC (0,8 l/ha) made it possible to limit the number of caterpillars of cabbage moth by 96,9 %, cabbage scoop by 100 %. It was noted that the biological effciency of Koragen, SC reached 100 % in relation to pests. A rather long-lasting effect was shown, for 14–28 days, on the populations of cabbage moth and cabbage scoop of all insecticides studied.

About the Authors

S. I. Romanovsky
RUE «Institute of plant protection»

  Priluki, Minsk region 

I. G. Volchkevich
RUE «Institute of plant protection»

  Priluki, Minsk region 

N. M. Belousov
RUE «Institute of plant protection»

  Priluki, Minsk region 

O. I. Kosykhina
RUE «Institute of plant protection»

  Priluki, Minsk region 


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For citations:

Romanovsky S.I., Volchkevich I.G., Belousov N.M., Kosykhina O.I. Use of Vaiego, SC in control of Lepidoptera cabbage pests. Plant Protection. 2022;1(46):232-240. (In Russ.)

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