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Effect of Architect, SE growth regulator on winter rapeseed


The effectiveness of Architect, SE growth regulator (mepiquat chloride, 150 g/l + pyraclostrobin, 100 g/l + prohexadione-calcium, 25 g/l) in winter rapeseed var. Vitovt and Mazari and Mercedes hybrids is shown. The application of the preparation in the phase of 4–5 leaves at the application rate of 1,5 l/ha reduces the height of the growing point by 47,7–55,2 %, increases the diameter of the root crown on the average by 13,5–22,8 %, increases crop overwinter survival by 3,7–12,3 % and the oilseed yield by 5,8–10,2 dt/ha depending on the variety.

About the Authors

I. G. Brui
Research and Practical Center of NAS of Belarus for Arable Farming
Russian Federation


V. V. Kholodinsky
Research and Practical Center of NAS of Belarus for Arable Farming
Russian Federation



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For citations:

Brui I.G., Kholodinsky V.V. Effect of Architect, SE growth regulator on winter rapeseed. Plant Protection. 2022;1(46):272-284. (In Russ.)

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