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Species diversity of fungi of the genus Alternaria associated with potato plants


An assessment of the phytosanitary condition of potato plantings grown under the conditions of a competitive test showed the widespread prevalence of Alternaria blight, reaching on average of 40,8% by the phase of inflorescence development – flowering and 100% by the phase of ripening of fruits and seeds – dying. Under production conditions, on single potato varieties, 100% plant infestation with the disease was noted already by the inflorescence development – flowering. During the growing season of the crop, variations in the development of Alternaria blight on potato tops were detected, with the preservation of differentiation of potato varieties according to the degree of their damage to the dying phase. Under the conditions of variety testing stations, the proportion of varieties with a depressed degree of damage to the vegetative mass of plants in 2021 and 2022 was 40,0 and 55,6%, moderate – 19,4 and 36,7% and epiphytotic – 23,3 and 25,0%, respectively. The species diversity of fungi of the genus Alternaria Nees was noted. Frequency of occurrence of the species A. alternata (Fr.) Keissl. was 44,4–77,8 %, A. tenuissima (Kunze) Wiltshire – 13,9–70,0 %, A. solani Sorauer – 8,3–52,8 %, species of A. arborescens E.G. Simmons, A. avenicola E.G. Simmons, Kosiak & Kwasna, A. brassicaе (Berk.) Sacc., A. infectoria E.G. Simmons and A. longissima E.G. Simmons, classified as Alternaria spp. – 16,7–56,6 %.

About the Authors

V. I. Khalaeva
RUE «Institute of Plant Protection»

Priluki, Minsk region

I. G. Volchkevich
RUE «Institute of Plant Protection»

Priluki, Minsk region

A. V. Patrakeeva
RUE «Institute of Plant Protection»

Priluki, Minsk region


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For citations:

Khalaeva V.I., Volchkevich I.G., Patrakeeva A.V. Species diversity of fungi of the genus Alternaria associated with potato plants. Plant Protection. 2023;1(47):151-168. (In Russ.)

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