Influence of weather conditions on aphidocomplexes formation in corn crops in Belarus
In the article the results of phytosanitary situation study in corn agrocoenoses of Mogilev, Brest and Grodno regions for the period of 2019–2020 are presented. It is determined that English grain aphid (Sitobion avenae F.) and bird cherry aphid (Rhopalosiphum padi L.) are widely spread corn pests. The influence of weather conditions on periods and degree of plants colonization by green bugs is determined. At the average daily air temperature higher than +15 °С the start of corn plants colonization by pests is marked in the III decade of June, the maximum green bugs number is reached in the I–II decades of July, during panicle formation – blossoming.
Based on monitoring data in corn crops the entomophages of green bugs – common golden-eyed fly (Chrysoperla carnea Steph.), seven pointed ladybird (coccinellid) (Coccinella septempunctata L.) are revealed
About the Author
A. V. BykovskayaBelarus
ac. Priluki, Minsk region
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For citations:
Bykovskaya A.V. Influence of weather conditions on aphidocomplexes formation in corn crops in Belarus. Plant Protection. 2021;(45):207-214. (In Russ.)