Development of the technique for identifying bentazone residues in soil, green mass and green pea using HPLC
The paper presents the technique for identifying bentazone residues in soil, green mass and green pea using high-performance liquid chromatography with a diode array detector. The technique is based on the extraction of the active ingredient using acetonitrile and purification in the system of immiscible solvents.
About the Author
S. A. ArashkovichBelarus
Priluki, Minsk region
1. PPDB: Pesticide Properties Data Base [Electronic resource]. – Mode of access: – Data of access: 04.04.2023.
2. Об утверждении гигиенических нормативов [Электронный ресурс] : постановление Совета Министров Респ. Беларусь, 25 января 2021 г., № 37 // Национальный правовой Интернет-портал Респ. Беларусь. – Режим доступа: – Дата доступа: 05.04.2023.
For citations:
Arashkovich S.A. Development of the technique for identifying bentazone residues in soil, green mass and green pea using HPLC. Plant Protection. 2023;1(47):220-227. (In Russ.)