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Use of colored glue traps for aple leaf gall midge Dasineura mali Kieffer monitoring in industrial orchards of the republic


The researches on the evaluation of efficiency of colored glue traps use for apple leaf gall midge (Dasineura mali Kieffer.) flight monitoring are presented, as a result of which no essential difference has been noticed in the number of caught gall midges both by yellow and blue glue trap for the whole flight period (1496 and 1213 indiv./trap). The first laying by gall midge eggs have been noticed in 16 days after the flight beginning (on the 7-th of May). The amount of oviposited eggs has varied, on the average, from 30 to 60 per leaf. The first damaged shoots have appeared in two weeks after the first peak of imago flight and transition for pupation of the first generation larvae has been marked in the second half of June. By D. mali flight dynamics to glue traps one can suppose the presence of 4 phytophage generations. By evaluation the air temperature influence on the pest imago flight it has been determined that by average daily temperature decrease up to 5 °С and lower and also by increasing the temperature up to +28 °С and higher, the apple leaf gall midge flight is absent.

About the Authors

O. V. Dichkovskaya
RUE «Institute of plant protection»

ac. Priluki, Minsk region

V. S. Komardina
RUE «Institute of plant protection»

ac. Priluki, Minsk region


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For citations:

Dichkovskaya O.V., Komardina V.S. Use of colored glue traps for aple leaf gall midge Dasineura mali Kieffer monitoring in industrial orchards of the republic. Plant Protection. 2021;(45):215-221. (In Russ.)

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