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Incidence of rust and stemphyliosis in pear garden


As a result of two years of research, it was found that in industrial gardens where a full range of protective measures are carried out, rust damage to pears was not detected. In orchards where the number of fungicidal treatments is minimal or absent, the prevalence of the disease reaches 38.1 % and 87 %, respectively. The prevalence of the main host plant of juniper (Juniperus sp.) ranges from 62.5 to 83.1 %. Under favorable weather conditions, the development of rust is epiphytotic (prevalence of the disease is up to 87 %), under unfavorable weather conditions it is depressive-moderate (prevalence of the disease is up to 30 %).
Conducting surveys of pears in industrial gardens during the growing season showed the widespread distribution of stemphylliosis (brown spot) both in the form of leaf spot (2.6 - 17.3 %) and in the form of fruit rot (3-4.5 %).

About the Authors

V. V. Kalachev
RUE «Institute of Plant Protection»

Priluki, Minsk region

V. S. Komardina
RUE «Institute of Plant Protection»

Priluki, Minsk region


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For citations:

Kalachev V.V., Komardina V.S. Incidence of rust and stemphyliosis in pear garden. Plant Protection. 2024;1(48):90-99. (In Russ.)

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