Dynamics of disease development in soybean crops of the pripyat variety
The article presents the results of monitoring the phytopathological state of soybean crops cultivated in the experimental field of the Republican Unitary Enterprise “Institute of Plant Protection”, where it was established that plants were affected by a complex of diseases, the main of which were fusarium (Neocosmospora solani (Mart.), Fusarium oxysporum Schltdl, Fusarium equiseti (Corda ) Sacc), ascochyta blight (Phoma sojicola (Abramov) Kövics, Gruyter & Aa.), septoria blight (Septoria glycines Hemmi), cercospora blight (Cercospora sojina Hara), alternaria blight (fungi of the genus Alternaria). It was revealed that in the conditions of 2021, the dominant disease was fusarium with a development rate of 26,2 %, in 2023 – alternaria with a degree of damage of 33,6 %.
About the Authors
N. V. LeshkevichBelarus
Priluki, Minsk region
E. O. Senkovsky
Priluki, Minsk region
A. A. Zaprudsky
Priluki, Minsk region
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For citations:
Leshkevich N.V., Senkovsky E.O., Zaprudsky A.A. Dynamics of disease development in soybean crops of the pripyat variety. Plant Protection. 2024;1(48):109-116. (In Russ.)