Influence of hydrothermal conditions on the development of eyespot root rot in winter wheat crops
The article presents the results of long-term research (2014–2022) to study the infestation of winter wheat crops by eyespot root rot. It was established that the disease was most developed in the conditions of 2014 and 2021. Research has shown that the development of the disease is decisively influenced by air temperature in the autumn and moisture availability in May.
About the Authors
T. G. PilatBelarus
Priluki, Minsk region
N. A. Krupenko
Priluki, Minsk region
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For citations:
Pilat T.G., Krupenko N.A. Influence of hydrothermal conditions on the development of eyespot root rot in winter wheat crops. Plant Protection. 2024;1(48):123-129. (In Russ.)