Mite harmfulness decrease in black currant
It is determined that two times black currant treatment by the preparations Movento, SC (spirotetramate, 100 g/l) at the rate of application 0,75 l/ha and PSK, 25% a.s. (sodium polysulfides) - 2,4 l/ha against bud and spider mites at phenophases “start of blossoming” (61 – by BBCH scale) and end of blossoming (69 – by BBCH scale) renders currant bud mite damage decrease for 82,1–64,6% and spider mite number decrease for 86,6% – 68,2%, accordingly.
About the Authors
S. I. YarchakovskayaBelarus
ac. Priluki, Minsk region
N. E. Koltun
ac. Priluki, Minsk region
R. L. Mikhnevich
ac. Priluki, Minsk region
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For citations:
Yarchakovskaya S.I., Koltun N.E., Mikhnevich R.L. Mite harmfulness decrease in black currant. Plant Protection. 2021;(45):230-235. (In Russ.)