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Development of a composition of microbial agents for the bioconversion of municipal solid waste and cellulosecontaining materials in the production of organic fertilizers


The selection of a combination of Trichoderma genus fungi strains in terms of cellulolytic activity using organic substrates was carried out. The mixture of Trichoderma sp. L-3 + Trichoderma sp. L-6 + Trichoderma asperellum D-11 strains had the greatest cellulolytic activity – the decomposition of the substrate reached 92,5 %. The most effective dosage of this fungal mixture was a consumption rate of 1.0–2.0 l / t – on the 40th day, weight loss was 43,5–50,2 % of the substrate weight, on the 90s – 66,9–71,3 %.

About the Authors

M. V. Fedarovich
RUE «Institute of Plant Protection»

Priluki, Minsk region

D. V. Voitka
RUE «Institute of Plant Protection»

Priluki, Minsk region

I. I. Poloz
SSI «Institute of housing and communal services of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus»



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For citations:

Fedarovich M.V., Voitka D.V., Poloz I.I. Development of a composition of microbial agents for the bioconversion of municipal solid waste and cellulosecontaining materials in the production of organic fertilizers. Plant Protection. 2024;1(48):253-259. (In Russ.)

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