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Efficiency of environmentally friendly protection of black currant from pests


The use of environmentally friendly technology for protecting intensive blackcurrant plantations from pests under production conditions, including double treatment of blackcurrant with the fungo-acaricidal preparation «PSK», 25% of w.s., mass capture of currant clearwing moth with pheromone-sticky traps, spraying of bushes with the biopreparation bitoxibacillin reduce the number of phytophages by 63.5-83.0%, damage caused to buds by currant big mite by 61.5%, damage caused to shoots by currant clearwing moth by 56.1% and ensure the preservation of 5.7 c/ha of berry yield and a net income of 482.8 rubles/ha.

About the Authors

S. I. Yarchakovskaya
RUE «Institute of Plant Protection»

Priluki, Minsk region

N. E. Koltun
RUE «Institute of Plant Protection»

Priluki, Minsk region


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For citations:

Yarchakovskaya S.I., Koltun N.E. Efficiency of environmentally friendly protection of black currant from pests. Plant Protection. 2024;1(48):260-266. (In Russ.)

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