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Stimulating effect of microbiological activator of root formation by vegetable crops cultivation


The results of studies on the assessment of the biological and economic efficiency of Korneplus, SC preparation based on the rhizosphere bacteria Pseudomonas putida K-9 when growing vegetables in protected and open ground are presented. The use of the preparation contributed to the increase of root length and the volume of the root system of greenhouse cucumber plants up to 17.5 and 37.0%, respectively, the weight of the harvested fruits up to 13.7% compared to the control variant. When growing white head cabbage, an increase in the volume of the root system and root length up to 29.4 and 23.8%, respectively, has been noted, as well as the activation of setting and an increase in the diameter of the forming cabbage head, which contributed to an increase in the yield of marketable products to 40.2 cwt / ha and yield increase for 7,1–10.5%.

About the Authors

D. V. Voitka
RUE «Institute of plant protection»

ac. Priluki, Minsk region

E. N. Yankouskaya
RUE «Institute of plant protection»

ac. Priluki, Minsk region

M. V. Fedorovich
RUE «Institute of plant protection»

ac. Priluki, Minsk region

A. V. Mikhniuk
RUE «Institute of plant protection»

ac. Priluki, Minsk region

I. N. Feklistowa
Belarusian state university


D. V. Maslak
Belarusian state university


I. A. Grineva
Belarusian state university



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For citations:

Voitka D.V., Yankouskaya E.N., Fedorovich M.V., Mikhniuk A.V., Feklistowa I.N., Maslak D.V., Grineva I.A. Stimulating effect of microbiological activator of root formation by vegetable crops cultivation. Plant Protection. 2021;(45):236-244. (In Russ.)

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