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Joint determination of pirimetanyl, difenoconazole and fluopiram in water and soil by high-effective liquid chromatography


The methods of combined determination of fluopyram, difenoconazole and pirimetanyl in water and soil with the use of high-effective liquid chromatography are developed and the obtained data on validation testify to the direct purpose use methods, as a result, they can be used for every day practice both for combined and separate residues determination of the enumerated fungicides in water and soil.

About the Author

A. V. Bykovsky
RUE «Institute of plant protection»

ac. Priluki, Minsk region


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3. Попов, С. Я. Основы химической защиты растений / С. Я. Попов, Л. А. Дорожкина, В.А. Калинин // Под ред. профессора С. Я Попова. – М.: Арт-Лион, 2003. – 208 с.

4. Guidance document on pesticide residue analytical methods [Electronic resource]: EUROPEAN COMMISSION SANCO/825/00 rev. 8.1. – Mode of access: – Date of access: 24.08.2019.


For citations:

Bykovsky A.V. Joint determination of pirimetanyl, difenoconazole and fluopiram in water and soil by high-effective liquid chromatography. Plant Protection. 2021;(45):245-256. (In Russ.)

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