Estimation of drought tolerance of selection material of sugar beet under laboratory conditions
An assessment of leaf area, the relative water loss by isolated leaves (water retention capacity), the relative water content in leaves, and the length of radicles of sugar beet selection material grown under optimal and insufficient moisture is done. Selection samples have been revealed, characterized by low values of the leaf area and relative water loss under conditions of sufficient water supply and water shortage, which also have satisfactory growth parameters and can be recommended for further breeding work.
About the Authors
T. A. SkuratovichBelarus
S. V. Majsenya
N. B. Pavlyutina
O. V. Molchan
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For citations:
Skuratovich T.A., Majsenya S.V., Pavlyutina N.B., Molchan O.V. Estimation of drought tolerance of selection material of sugar beet under laboratory conditions. Plant Protection. 2021;(45):263-270. (In Russ.)