Effectiveness of fungicides to protect potatoes against late blight
The results of a long-term phytosanitary state of tubers evaluation against the background of potato protection against late blight during the growing season are presented. It is found that during harvesting late blight incidence on tubers with the use of single-component fungicides has made, on the average, 2,5 %, two-component fungicides – 2,3 %. Spring phyto-examination of potato tubers has shown the annual presence of oomycete in the combination with the other pathogens of bacterial and fungal etiology. The late blight-fusarium-bacterial type of mixed rot has turned out to be the dominant one, the prevalence of which has made 5,0 %. The long-term protective effect of combined fungicides in reducing the degree of late blight potato tops damage has been determined, exceeding 60,0 % in 30 days after the last application.
About the Authors
V. I. KhalaevaBelarus
a/c Priluki, Minsk region
I. G. Volchkevich
a/c Priluki, Minsk region
G. M. Sereda
a/c Priluki, Minsk region
M. V. Konopatskaya
a/c Priluki, Minsk region
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For citations:
Khalaeva V.I., Volchkevich I.G., Sereda G.M., Konopatskaya M.V. Effectiveness of fungicides to protect potatoes against late blight. Plant Protection. 2020;(44):115-123. (In Russ.)