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Monitoring of the European corn borer imago based on phenyl acetaldehyde and 4-metoxyphenyl alcohol in Belarus


The article presents the results of monitoring the imago of the European corn borer using a mixture of phenyl acetaldehyde and 4-methoxyphenyl alcohol as an attractant, container and barrier – type traps in 2018–2019. It is determined that container-type traps are the most promising for monitoring the pest imago. Based on the calculated statistical models, taking into account the number of adults caught by them, it is possible to predict the number of ovipositions and damage to corn plants.

About the Authors

A. V. Bykovskaya
RUE «Institute of Plant Protection»

a/c Priluki, Minsk region

L. I. Trepashko
RUE «Institute of Plant Protection»

a/c Priluki, Minsk region

A. S. Samonov
RUE «Institute of Plant Protection»

a/c Priluki, Minsk region


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For citations:

Bykovskaya A.V., Trepashko L.I., Samonov A.S. Monitoring of the European corn borer imago based on phenyl acetaldehyde and 4-metoxyphenyl alcohol in Belarus. Plant Protection. 2020;(44):150-161. (In Russ.)

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