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Two-component insectoacaricides influence on sucking pests development in the industrial apple orchards


It is determined that during the years of mass sucking pests development (2019 - 2020) in the industrial type orchards of Belarus, the shoot damage by apple leaf gall midge (Dasyneura mali Kieff.) has made 42.7 %, the number of red fruit mite (Metatetranychus ulmi Koch.) has reached 10.3 individuals per leaf. The effectiveness of three-fold two-component insecticides application against apple gall midge, during the most vulnerable for the phytophage development periods, by harmfulness decrease during the vegetation period has made 83.4 - 86.4 %, and by wintering larvae number has reached 77.9 %. The double use of preparations against red fruit mite ensures the effectiveness of protective measures to reduce the number of pests during the growing season at the level of 80 - 90 % and 70 % by hibernating eggs number.

About the Authors

N. E. Koltun
RUE «Institute оf Plant Protection»

a/c Priluki, Minsk region

O. V. Dichkovskaya
RUE «Institute оf Plant Protection»

a/c Priluki, Minsk region

V. S. Komardina
RUE «Institute оf Plant Protection»

a/c Priluki, Minsk region


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For citations:

Koltun N.E., Dichkovskaya O.V., Komardina V.S. Two-component insectoacaricides influence on sucking pests development in the industrial apple orchards. Plant Protection. 2020;(44):162-168. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 0135-3705 (Print)