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The antagonistic activity of the fungus Trichoderma asperellum D-11 as justification for preparation based on it inclusion in the anti-resistance technology of tomatoes protection against gray mould


The article presents the results of evaluating the antagonistic effect of the fungus Trichoderma asperellum D-11, the basis of the biological preparation Fungilex, L, in relation to the Botrytis cinerea Pers., isolated from the phytopathological material of tomato plants in the greenhouses of Belarus. It is found that the fungus Trichoderma asperellum D-11 has a high complex antagonistic activity, inhibiting the pathogen growth for 52,8–96,0 % and exhibiting hyperparasitic properties. The biological effectiveness of Fungilex, L for gray mould control under on-the-farm conditions has made 94,1 % by the end of the growing season. The studies can justify the inclusion of the biopreparation in the system of measures to activate the anti-resistant component of the technology for protecting tomato against gray mould.

About the Authors

D. V. Voitka
RUE «Institute оf Plant Protection»

a/c Priluki, Minsk region

E. K. Yuzefovich
RUE «Institute оf Plant Protection»

a/c Priluki, Minsk region

A. V. Mikhniuk
RUE «Institute оf Plant Protection»

a/c Priluki, Minsk region

Yu. S. Minina
RUE «Institute оf Plant Protection»

a/c Priluki, Minsk region


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For citations:

Voitka D.V., Yuzefovich E.K., Mikhniuk A.V., Minina Yu.S. The antagonistic activity of the fungus Trichoderma asperellum D-11 as justification for preparation based on it inclusion in the anti-resistance technology of tomatoes protection against gray mould. Plant Protection. 2020;(44):191-200. (In Russ.)

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