Efficiency of the biological growth regulator “MaxImmun” while growing onion in oneyear culture
The article presents the results of efficiency evaluating of microbiological growth regulator «MaxImmun» on the base of the elicitor components – inactivated bacteria Pseudomonas chlororaphis subsp. aurantiaca 162 and Bacillus subtilis 494 and their secondary metabolites – when growing onion in oneyear culture. It is shown that the use of the preparation provides the productivity increase for 29,0–55,0 %. The protective effect of the preparation against downy mildew (peronosporosis) has been noted: the biological effectiveness for crop protection against the disease has reached 71.4 %. Based on the studies, the preparation MaxImmun» is recommended for use in the Republic of Belarus as a plant growth regulator in the agricultural sector and in private farms.
About the Authors
I. A. GrinevaBelarus
I. N. Feklistova
D. V. Voitka
a/c Priluki, Minsk region
E. K. Yuzefovich
a/c Priluki, Minsk region
D. V. Maslak
A. V. Mikhniuk
a/c Priluki, Minsk region
V. A. Lomonosova
T. L. Skakun
L. Ye. Sadovskaya
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For citations:
Grineva I.A., Feklistova I.N., Voitka D.V., Yuzefovich E.K., Maslak D.V., Mikhniuk A.V., Lomonosova V.A., Skakun T.L., Sadovskaya L.Ye. Efficiency of the biological growth regulator “MaxImmun” while growing onion in oneyear culture. Plant Protection. 2020;(44):201-211. (In Russ.)