Efficiency of herbicide Adengo, sc and its tank mixtures depending on application periods in corn crops
In the article the results of studying the herbicide Adengo, SC (thiencarbazon-methyl, 90 g/l + isoxaflutol, 225 g/l + cyprosulphamide /antidote/, 150 g/l) and its tank mixtures on crops weed infestation by application at different corn stages are stated. In 2018 the efficiency of pre-emergent herbicide Adengo, SC application at the rate of 0,4 l/ha has made 98,8 %, at corn seedlings (awls) stage – 99,2 %; at 4-5 leaves of the crop -94,6 %, accordingly. As a result of weed infestation decrease the preserved corn seed yield has made 79,5-92,0 cwt/ha. The tank mixture of Adengo, SC (0,3 l/ha) + Ballerina, ES (0,2 l/ha) has decreased corn crops weed infestation for 99,0 %, corn yield has made 113,3 cwt/ha.
About the Authors
S. A. KolesnkBelarus
a/c Priluki, Minsk district
A. V. Stashkevich
a/c Priluki, Minsk district
L. I. Soroka
a/c Priluki, Minsk district
N. S. Stashkevich
a/c Priluki, Minsk district
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For citations:
Kolesnk S.A., Stashkevich A.V., Soroka L.I., Stashkevich N.S. Efficiency of herbicide Adengo, sc and its tank mixtures depending on application periods in corn crops. Plant Protection. 2019;(43):26-32. (In Russ.)