Thresholds of annual dicotyledonous weeds harmfulness as a basis for the rational use of herbicides in blue lupine
The article presents the results of studies on the thresholds of harmfulness determination for annual dicotyledonous weed plants in blue lupine crops of different maturity varieties. Thresholds of weed plants harmfulness in blue lupine early-ripening variety Pershatsvet have made up to 5-11 pcs/m2, mid-ripening variety Mirtan – 9-10 pcs/m2. We are of the opinion that with such contamination, herbicides application is necessary.
About the Author
R. V. KorpanovBelarus
a/c Priluki, Minsk district
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For citations:
Korpanov R.V. Thresholds of annual dicotyledonous weeds harmfulness as a basis for the rational use of herbicides in blue lupine. Plant Protection. 2019;(43):40-49. (In Russ.)