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Application of Gambit herbicide in perforated leaf sylphia crops


For the first time in the conditions of the Brest region, the effectiveness of the use of the herbicide Gambit, SC (promethrin, 500 g/l) in the first year perforated leaf sylphia crops has been studied. The preparation has been applied before crop germination at the rate of 2-4 l/ha. It is determined that the use of this herbicide on moistered soil is highly effective (reducing the weed mass up to 90 %). The preparation inhibits the emergence of crop seedlings for 5-10 days, however, by the end of the vegetative period, the crop growth and development rates in variants with the use of herbicide are significantly higher. According to the results of the experiment the State registration of the herbicide «Gambit» for perforated leaf sylphia has been done.

About the Authors

M. A. Pastukhova
State Scientific Institution «Polessky Agrarian-Ecological Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus»


B. V. Shelyutto
EE «Belarusian State Academy of Agriculture»



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For citations:

Pastukhova M.A., Shelyutto B.V. Application of Gambit herbicide in perforated leaf sylphia crops. Plant Protection. 2019;(43):66-72. (In Russ.)

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