Screening of antagonistic activity of trichoderma genus fungi towards to dominating root-habitat vegetable crops pathogens isolated on the territory of Belarus and Azerbaijan
The results of the antagonistic activity studies of Trichoderma fungi in relation to the dominant root-habitat plant pathogens isolated on the territory of Belarus and Azerbaijan are presented. It has been determined that for the most of the studied antagonist strains a mixed type of antagonistic action with the pronounced fungistatic trophic, antibiotic, and territorial antagonism is characteristic. The strains of Trichoderma sp. IZR F-183 and Trichoderma sp. IZR F-186 with a high rate of inhibiting the pathogens growth and a multifunctional antagonistic mechanism of activity have been selected.
About the Authors
D. V. VoitkaBelarus
a/c Priluki, Minsk district
E. K. Yuzefovich
a/c Priluki, Minsk district
Y. Yu. Atakishyeva
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For citations:
Voitka D.V., Yuzefovich E.K., Atakishyeva Y.Yu. Screening of antagonistic activity of trichoderma genus fungi towards to dominating root-habitat vegetable crops pathogens isolated on the territory of Belarus and Azerbaijan. Plant Protection. 2019;(43):144-152. (In Russ.)