Allelopatic activity of field sow thistle and couch grass
The results of allelopatic activity of couch grass and field sow thistle and its influence on laboratory and field germination of spring barley and corn seeds are presented in the article.
In grain crops an acute question is to control perennial weeds, in particular couch grass. The biological peculiarities of perennial weeds make difficulties for their control in grain crops during vegetation.
It is determined that the extracts from couch grass and field sow thistle roots decrease the laboratory germination of spring barley and spring wheat and influence growth and development of their radicles. In field conditions it is marked: the higher couch grass and field sow thistle infestation, the higher their allelopatic influence on field germination of spring barley and corn seeds. So, it is expedient to control the perennial weeds such as couch grass and field sow thistle in fall period, applying glyphosate-containing preparations.
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For citations:
Lobach O.K. Allelopatic activity of field sow thistle and couch grass. Plant Protection. 2021;(45):53-60. (In Russ.)