Control of blossom beetle and cabbage moth number in spring rape crops by two-component insecticides
In the article the results of studying the efficiency of the insecticide Espero, SC are presented. It is determined that on the 3-rd day after carrying out the first treatment rape blossom beetle number has decreased for 78,3-89,1 %, after the second one – 81,3-92,2 %. The biological efficiency on the 5-th day after the repeated application of the preparation in the variants with the maximum rates of application has made 77,8-80,6 %, minimum – 69,5 %, on the 10-th day – from–56,4 to 66,7 % in all the experimental variants. A degree of plants damage by cabbage moth in the variant with the insecticide Espero, SC treatment at the rate of 0,1 l/ha has decreased for 69,5 %, 0,15 – for 77,3 and 0,2 l/ha – for 75,9 % at plants severity in the control 24,7 %.
About the Authors
A. P. BudrevichBelarus
a/c Priluki, Minsk district
I. V. Bogomolova
a/c Priluki, Minsk district
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For citations:
Budrevich A.P., Bogomolova I.V. Control of blossom beetle and cabbage moth number in spring rape crops by two-component insecticides. Plant Protection. 2019;(43):234-238. (In Russ.)