Complex harmfulness assessment of mining flies (dipera: agromyzidae) – pests of ornamental woody plants in Belarus
A review of dendrophilous leaf mining flies (Agromyzidae), feeding on ornamental plants in Belarus has been presented, lists of damaged plants and brief descriptions of mines are given. The indexes of physiological injuriousness, ecologically conditioned and general harmfulness for 13 species of mining flies, damaging ornamental woody plants in conditions of green plantings, are calculated. On the basis of the data obtained, the miners have been divided into groups according to the level of their harmfulness in decorative greenery of Belarus.
About the Authors
M. V. VolosachBelarus
S. V. Buga
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For citations:
Volosach M.V., Buga S.V. Complex harmfulness assessment of mining flies (dipera: agromyzidae) – pests of ornamental woody plants in Belarus. Plant Protection. 2019;(43):247-256. (In Russ.)