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Harmfulness of cotton bollworm on corn in forest steppe of Ukraine


The results of researches of Helicoverpa armigera Hbn. pests harmfulness on corn hybrids of different maturation stages conducted in 2017-2018 are presented in the article. Susceptibility of the most corn hybrids to the pest has been determined. It is determined that cotton bollworm population on corn plants has been unequal (12,5–77,5 %) depending on maturity of the given hybrids group. Concerning damage of corn cobs by Cotton bollworm larvae - the difference between hybrids of different term of maturity is a significant. The most damaged corn cobs have been middle ripening hybrids (Demetra and Adgamka), and the least damaged - on middle-early ripening hybrids (Svitjaz, Vita and 3472 (Monsanto)).

About the Authors

Yu. N. Lyaska
Institute of Plant Protection NAAS of Ukraine


A. A. Strigun
Institute of Plant Protection NAAS of Ukraine



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For citations:

Lyaska Yu.N., Strigun A.A. Harmfulness of cotton bollworm on corn in forest steppe of Ukraine. Plant Protection. 2019;(43):267-275. (In Russ.)

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