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The collection presents materials of scientific research on the species composition, biology, ecology and harmfulness of weeds, insects and pathogens of agricultural crops. The effectiveness and environmental safety of agrotechnical, biological and chemical measures to optimize the phytosanitary situation of agrocenoses are presented. The collection is included in the list of scientific publications of the Republic of Belarus for publishing the results of dissertation research. The collection is indexed in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI). Full texts of articles are available on the website of the Scientific Electronic Library eLIBRARY.RU at:

Current issue

No 48 (2024)
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7-19 32

The results of studies on the regulation of the number of annual grass weeds and Elytrigia repens (L.) Nevski in sugar beet, sunflower and spring rapeseed crops using graminicide Galoshans, CE (haloxyphop-R-metil, 104 g/l) are presented. The use of the herbicide a month after treatment made it possible to reduce the contamination of crops with Echinochloa crusgalli (L.) Beauv. and Poa annua L. by 87,0–98,0 %, with E. repens (L.) Nevski by 86,6–99,2 %, preserve the harvest and additionally obtain up to 357–383 c/ha of beetroot, 3.4–3.8 c/ha of sunflower oil seeds and 1,1–2,6 c/ha of spring rapeseed. There was no negative impact on the growth and development of crops.

20-26 32

The article presents the results of monitoring the contamination of seed batches, as well as data from herbological analyses of seeds of honey–bearing and sideral crops – Phacelia tansyleaf, grown in Western Siberia. Information is provided on the species and quantitative composition of weeds found in phacelia seeds in 2018-2023. The dominant weed species, difficult to separate from the seeds of the main crop, have been identified.

27-34 29

Species diversity of weeds in plantings of summer raspberries and garden strawberries is presented. An assessment of the litter is given, the dominant weeds for plantings of garden strawberries and summer raspberries are described. The high initial number of weeds in the plantings of summer raspberries and garden strawberries requires the development of protective measures for the plantings of summer raspberries and garden strawberries from weeds.

35-43 28

The paper presents the results of the research on combined herbicides based on diflufenican, flufenacet, metribuzin, 2-EGE 2,4-D-acid, iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium and thiencarbazone-methyl. It’s established that the use of three-component herbicides containing active ingredients from different chemical classes ensures the reduction in winter wheat infestation with annual dicotyledonous weeds (catchweed bedstraw, wild camomile, shepherd’s purse, knotweed species, purple deadnettle, etc.) by 86.6–96.3 % and annual cereal weeds (wind grass) by 90.0–100 %. The saved yield is 7.1–16.9 c/ha.

44-52 28

The biological and economic efficiency of the herbicide based on florasulam in maize and winter wheat was studied. It was established that the application of the herbicide Rassel 100, SC reduced the infestation of the crops with wild camomile, rape drops, blue bottle flower and field pennycress by 100 %, knotweed species and catchweed bedstraw – by 83.3–100. In maize the efficiency of the herbicide against annual dicotyledonous weeds (excluding white goosefoot) was 86.2–98.7 %. In winter wheat the number of dicotyledonous weeds decreased by 86.9–94.0 %, including annual weeds by 88.0–94.9 % and perennial weeds by 72.2– 83.3 %. The reduction in weed infestation contributed to maintaining 49.8–52.4 c/ha of the maize yield and 5.4–6.8 c/ha of winter wheat yield. 

53-61 29

The paper demonstrates the route surveys data on the infestation of maize and sunflower mixed plantings. The biological and economic efficiency of the herbicides and their tank mixtures is presented when applied to maize at the 2-3 leaves stage and to sunflower at the 2-4 leaves stage. A high biological efficiency and selectivity towards maize and sunflower are noted in small-plot experiments (Extracorn, SE and tank mixture Frontier Optima, EC + Estamp, EC), in production experiments - herbicide Extracorn, SE and tank mixture Frontier Optima, EC + Stomp Professional, MCS.

62-68 28

The paper presents the results of studying biological and economic efficiency of the herbicides Gesagard, SC, Extracorn, SE, Brig, SC, Racer, EC, Pronit, EC, Dual Gold, EC, Estamp, EC, Frontier Optima, EC and their spray mixtures with the pre-emergent application to the mixed plantings of maize and sunflower.

69-81 32

The herbicide, based on metsulfuron-methyl (Magnum, VDG®) in 2 months after industrial land setting treatment have been effective against Sosnowski’s hogweed (Heraculum sosnowsky Manden.) and goldenrod (Solidago canadensis L.). At the maximum rate of herbicide application of 100–300 g/ha, the hogweed and goldenrod kill has made 100 %. The application of herbicide at the rate of 40–100 g/ha also guarantees the almost complete hogweed and goldenrod control with the preservation of grassy species. The herbicide should not be used on lawn grasses of the first year of life. With the compaction of turf, in perennial meadows, lawns, pastures, the phytotoxic effect of Magnum, VDG® on grassy cenosis is practically absent (applied normally up to 100 g/ha).


82-89 27

The data of long-term (2010–2023) evaluation of fungicides efficacy against Fusarium heat blight and glume blotch in the conditions of artificial inoculation are presented. Efficacy against glume blotch was 46,2–88,3 % on average, against Fusarium heat blight was 46,0–79,4 %.

90-99 36

As a result of two years of research, it was found that in industrial gardens where a full range of protective measures are carried out, rust damage to pears was not detected. In orchards where the number of fungicidal treatments is minimal or absent, the prevalence of the disease reaches 38.1 % and 87 %, respectively. The prevalence of the main host plant of juniper (Juniperus sp.) ranges from 62.5 to 83.1 %. Under favorable weather conditions, the development of rust is epiphytotic (prevalence of the disease is up to 87 %), under unfavorable weather conditions it is depressive-moderate (prevalence of the disease is up to 30 %).
Conducting surveys of pears in industrial gardens during the growing season showed the widespread distribution of stemphylliosis (brown spot) both in the form of leaf spot (2.6 - 17.3 %) and in the form of fruit rot (3-4.5 %).

100-108 26

The article presents the results of a comparative assessment of the resistance of potato breeding material to Globodera rostochiensis (Woll, 1923) Behrens using standard and optimized methods and EPPO standard PM 3/68 (1). It was shown that in a comparative assessment of breeding hybrids using standard and optimized methods, there was a coincidence of results on the degree of resistance to G. rostochiensis in 86.7 % of cases, and according to the optimized method and EPPO standard PM 3/68 (1) – in 80.0 % cases.

109-116 31

The article presents the results of monitoring the phytopathological state of soybean crops cultivated in the experimental field of the Republican Unitary Enterprise “Institute of Plant Protection”, where it was established that plants were affected by a complex of diseases, the main of which were fusarium (Neocosmospora solani (Mart.), Fusarium oxysporum Schltdl, Fusarium equiseti (Corda ) Sacc), ascochyta blight (Phoma sojicola (Abramov) Kövics, Gruyter & Aa.), septoria blight (Septoria glycines Hemmi), cercospora blight (Cercospora sojina Hara), alternaria blight (fungi of the genus Alternaria). It was revealed that in the conditions of 2021, the dominant disease was fusarium with a development rate of 26,2 %, in 2023 – alternaria with a degree of damage of 33,6 %.

117-122 31

The paper presents two-year data on biological and economic efficiency of fungicides from different chemical groups in protection of garden strawberry from gray rot. In field experiments, with the application of mono- and two-component preparations the reduction in berry disease was from 53.0 to 70.9 %, which made it possible to preserve up to 26.4 c/ha of yield, depending on the year of the research.

123-129 28

The article presents the results of long-term research (2014–2022) to study the infestation of winter wheat crops by eyespot root rot. It was established that the disease was most developed in the conditions of 2014 and 2021. Research has shown that the development of the disease is decisively influenced by air temperature in the autumn and moisture availability in May.

130-137 30

The paper deals with the results of the two-year research on the efficiency of a single and double application of the fungicide Miravis Prime, SC (pydiflumetofen, 150 g/l+fludioxonil, 250 g/l) to large cranberry against dominant diseases.
It was established that the incidence of monilial shoot blight on large cranberry was reduced by 92.3–90.7 % with a single application of Miravis Prime, SC at a rate of 0.5 l/ha at the beginning of flowering. The biological efficiency of a double application of the fungicide Miravis Prime, SC was the following: against leaf godronia – 89.5–81.7 %, gibber spot disease – 92.6–95.2 %, fruit rot – 60.9–68.8 %. A single treatment during the fruit formation period with Miravis Prime, SC at a rate of 0.75 l/ha restrained the prevalence of godronia and gibber spot disease on leaves by 81.2–95.2 %, fruit rot – by 77.1 %. The application of the fungicide Miravis Prime, SC to large cranberry contributed to maintaining the fruit yield at the level of 4.7–5.5 c/ha.

138-145 28

Studies on the species composition of Fusarium Root Rot of spring triticale that were carried out in 2015–2022 showed that the dominant species from the complex of fungi of the genus Fusarium is the fungus F. equiseti with a frequency of occurrence of 30,5 % in the growth stage Flowering halfway (GS 65) and 31,9 % in Soft dough (GS 85). The frequency of occurrence of the fungus F. oxysporum was 23,6 % (GS 65) and 16,0 % (GS 85), F. solani – 13,7 % (GS 65) and 11,5 % (GS 85), F. culmorum – 10,2 % (GS 65) and 11,3 % (GS 85), F. avenaceum – 5,1 % (GS 65) and 8,9 % (GS 85). For the fungus F. avenaceum in GS 65, there was a negative correlation (r=−0,82) between the frequency of occurrence of the fungus and the amount of precipitation that fell during the period from sowing to growth stage Flowering halfway, and for the fungus F. culmorum there was a positive correlation (r=0,72) for the same period.

146-157 52

Net blotch (Pyrenophora teres Drechsler) is one of the dominant diseases on the leaf apparatus of spring barley. The article provides a review of literature data on the prevalence, harmfulness, biological and environmental characteristics of the pathogen.

158-174 41

Soybean is a valuable forage and oil crop all over the world. One of these factors limiting the high growth of the crop are diseases arising among the lesions of fungi and fungus-like organisms, belong to the category of the most developed and economically significant. The expansion of soybean acreage in Belarus and the insufficient study of the species composition of pathogens of fungal etiology determine the relevance of the analysis of domestic and foreign literature to consider the issue. The article provides data on pathogens, conditions in soybean crops, their prevalence in the world, competitiveness, symptoms, biological characteristics and ways to limit their development.

175-184 30

The article presents data on the incidence of tubers with scab species at the end of the potato storage period. It was found that, regardless of the crop cultivation conditions, the incidence of common and silver scab in the variety samples was 100 %, and rhizoctonia was 86,9–96,5 % of the total number of those analyzed. On average in the republic, silver scab was the most common on tubers – up to 90,8 %, rhizoctonia was the least common – up to 48,5 %, and common scab occupied an intermediate position – up to 59,5 %. The development of silver scab varied from 16,6 to 47,7 %, common scab – 4,3–26,1 %, and rhizoctonia – 5,4–17,5 %. In the structure of infectious diseases, silver scab dominated among scab species, with its incidence on tubers amounting to 34,7–58,6 %.


185-199 32

The article presents an analysis of the contamination of seed material of spring and winter grain crops for the 2019–2021 harvest of storage pests. There is 34,8–37,5 % of infected (the presence of live arthropods) of the 63 surveyed batches of barley and spring wheat, winter wheat and triticale. A strong inverse correlation has been established between the number of acaroid mites and laboratory germination, as evidenced by the correlation coefficients (r = -0,95–0,99). The degree of contamination of seed batches was calculated taking into account the number and harmfulness of arthropods. A comparative analysis of the total infestation density (TID) of batches of grain seeds showed that when determining the optimal period for using product when a batch is infected with a complex of pest species, one should focus on the TID indicator, and not on the economic threshold of harmfulness (EPT). Attention is paid to the results of clarifying the biological effectiveness of preparations for protecting seed grains. When using the insecticide Fascord, EC (alpha-cypermethrin, 100 g/l), the number of coleopteran insects decreased by 94,6–100 %, mites – 66,7–100 %; insectoacaricide Actellik, EC (pirimiphos-methyl, 500 g/l) – 100 % and 83,3–100 %, respectively.

200-209 24

The results of researches on the assessment of biological and economic efficiency of promising (Tucker, CS and Shansometox Trio, CS) and widely used (Imidor Pro, CS, Coyote, CS, Kruiser, SK, Celest Top, CS) preparations used by the method of pre-planting treatment of tubers, in the protection of potatoes from Colorado beetle, aphids and pro-draggers are presented It was shown that the studied insecticides effectively reduced the number of phyto-phages and their harmfulness. It was established that the biological effectiveness of toxicants against Colorado beetle was 83.4–100 %, aphids – carriers of viral diseases – 100 %, in reducing the damage of tubers with wireworms – 71.7–95.9 %. As a result of the use of drugs, their effect on germination, plant height and the average number of stems per bush was noted. In addition, it was found that the use of the studied current sycants contributes to the preservation of up to 61.1 % of the potato tuber harvest.

210-217 25

The paper presents the assessment data on entomological situation in agrocenosis of common winter cress. It was identified that during the autumn vegetation period in 2022–2023 the dominant pests were cabbage flea beetles (Psylliodes chrysocephalus L.) and crucifer flea beetles (undulating – Phyllotreta undulata Kutsch., blue – Ph. nigripes F. and black – Ph. atra F.) as well was rape sawfly (Athalia rosae L.). During the spring vegetation period in 2022–2023 a high infestation of winter rape crops with the rape blossom beetle (Meligethes aeneus F.) with 3.5–4.3 imagoes/a plant and seed weevil (Ceutorrhynchus assimilis P.) with 4.6– 5.3 imagoes/25 plants was observed. The damage to crop stems caused by the cabbage stem weevil (Ceutorrhynchus guadridens P) reaches 59.6–67.3 % in the republic.

218-224 23

As a result of long-term observations of the beginning of flying of apple leaf midge imago made in industrial and experimental gardens with installed iMetos digital weather stations it was established that determining abiotic factors affecting the flight of the phytophage were the average soil temperature above +11 °C (+11.2...+11.8 °C), as well as the average air temperature above +13 °C (+13.2...+17.3 °C).

225-233 26

The paper presents the results of the research on evaluating the efficiency of the insecticides from different chemical groups applied to winter rape against rape beetle. It’s established that double treatment with the preparations based on thiacloprid, 480 g/l (0.15 l/ha), imidacloprid, 150 g/l + lambda-cyhalothrin, 50 g/l (0.2 l/ha) and cypermethrin, 50 g/l + chlorpyrifos, 500 g/l (1.0 l/ha) ensures a reduction in the number of rape beetle up to 81.5–91.5 %, obtaining the highest saved yield – 6.8–7.9 c/ha and net income – 611.9–717.3 rubles/ha.

234-242 25

The article provides an assessment of the harmfulness of 7 species of stem pests that form centers of mass reproduction in the pine forests of Belarus. The overall harmfulness of xylophages varied from 58.5 to 204.0 points. The group of particularly harmful species includes Ips sexdentatus (Boern.), Ips acuminatus (Gyll.) and Monochamus galloprovincialis (Ol.), moderately harmful species include Tomicus piniperda (L.), Tomicus minor (Hart.), Pissodes piniphilus (Hrbst. ), Phaenops cyanea (F.) Based on harmfulness indicators, mandatory organization and implementation of forest protection measures against these pests are proposed.

243-252 21

The article presents four years of data (2020–2023) on the effectiveness of insecticides with the active ingredient chlorantraniliprole, 200 g/l for protecting corn from corn borer. It was noted that during the years of research there were favorable weather conditions for the development of the pest, and the damage to plants before harvesting was 24,4–47,6 %. It has been established that it is effective and, most importantly, to protect the crop for a long period of time when using single-component preparations Coragen, KS, Myriad, KS and Rino-A, KS at consumption rates of 0,15–0,2 l/ha according to the threshold number of ovipositions Ostrinia nubilalis, plant damage decreased by 75,4–92,4 %. The biological effectiveness of the two-component insecticide Ampligo, MKS (lambda-cyhalothrin, 50 g/l + chlorantraniliprole, 100 g/l) averaged 92,8 %. A high preserved grain yield of 5,9– 15,8 c/ha or 6,4–21,2 % was noted.


253-259 31

The selection of a combination of Trichoderma genus fungi strains in terms of cellulolytic activity using organic substrates was carried out. The mixture of Trichoderma sp. L-3 + Trichoderma sp. L-6 + Trichoderma asperellum D-11 strains had the greatest cellulolytic activity – the decomposition of the substrate reached 92,5 %. The most effective dosage of this fungal mixture was a consumption rate of 1.0–2.0 l / t – on the 40th day, weight loss was 43,5–50,2 % of the substrate weight, on the 90s – 66,9–71,3 %.

260-266 21

The use of environmentally friendly technology for protecting intensive blackcurrant plantations from pests under production conditions, including double treatment of blackcurrant with the fungo-acaricidal preparation «PSK», 25% of w.s., mass capture of currant clearwing moth with pheromone-sticky traps, spraying of bushes with the biopreparation bitoxibacillin reduce the number of phytophages by 63.5-83.0%, damage caused to buds by currant big mite by 61.5%, damage caused to shoots by currant clearwing moth by 56.1% and ensure the preservation of 5.7 c/ha of berry yield and a net income of 482.8 rubles/ha.


267-279 26

The paper presents the monitoring of the phytosanitary situation in rape, which requires protective measures against a complex of pests. A retrospective analysis of the application of chemical plant protection products to rape was conducted in the Republic of Belarus. The trends in the use of active ingredients of various types and classes of plant protection products registered in Belarus were identified.

280-286 31

Studies have been conducted on the development of methods for sample preparation of soil samples with different organic matter content when determining pesticide residues of chemical classes: triazinones, sym-triazines, nitro-xylidines, phenyl-carbamates, pyrrolidones, toluidines by gas-liquid chromatography. A scheme for sample preparation of soil samples with different organic matter content (2, 30, 70 %) is presented, the extraction of the studied active substances was 75.7–97.3 %.

287-292 28

The behavior of the active substances of insecticides of the diamide group: chloranthraniliprol, tetraniprol and cyanthraniliprol used in protection against harmful objects of various crops has been studied. The active substances chloranthraniliprol and tetraniprol were not detected in any of the samples studied for 2020–2022. Cintraniliprol was detected in cucumber fruits on days 3 and 5 after four times treatment in the amount of 0.023 mg/kg and 0.014 mg/kg respectively, which is below the maximum permissible level – 0.03 mg/kg. If the application standards and waiting times are observed, agricultural products are not contaminated with residual amounts of the active substances studied.

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